Frequently Asked Questions

Customer Care
1. What is our service?

Our service offers a diverse range of cloud storage plans that have been highly rated and recognized at leading tech events. Gain unlimited access to our collection, featuring innovative storage solutions, security insights, and efficient data management strategies.

2. How many storage plans are on offer?

Our portfolio includes over 100 storage plans, with new plans being regularly added to ensure a dynamic and efficient approach to your cloud storage needs.

3. What is the minimum age criteria to subscribe to our service?

You must be +18 or have received permission from a parent or legal guardian authorized to pay your bill.

4. Which devices are compatible with the service?

The service is compatible with all mobile phones and tablets. All you need is a minimum 3G internet connection.

5. Does our service use or share my account information?

No. We respect your privacy. Your account information is secure and not shared with any third parties. For more information about how your information is handled, please read our Privacy Policy.

1. What is included in the subscription service?

This subscription service features a variety of cloud storage plans that have been well-received and acclaimed at international tech and enterprise events. Gain unlimited access to our collection where you'll find cutting-edge storage solutions, expert tech support, and innovative approaches.

2. How many storage plans are on offer?

Our collection includes 100+ storage plans, with fresh plans added frequently.

3. What is the minimum age criteria to subscribe to this service?

You must be +18 or have received approval from a parent or legal guardian authorized to pay your bill.

1. How many storage plans and tools are available?

We offer a collection of over 200+ storage plans and tools, with frequent updates adding new options to our services.

2. What is the minimum age criteria to join the Cloud Services Club?

To join, you must be at least 18 years old or have approval from a parent or legal guardian who is authorised to handle the billing.

3. Which devices are compatible with the service?

Our service is compatible with all mobile phones and tablets, requiring at least a 3G internet connection to operate smoothly.